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Rapide CLX II

Rapide CLX II

Select Category ACCESSORI Select Subcategory Rodas Roval

SKU: 30022-5902

Ano: 2023


Cores e tamanhos:

Preço: € 1.550,00
Disponibilidade: feitos por encomenda

(*) O produto não está disponível imediatamente, portanto, levará alguns dias a mais do que o esperado para a entrega.
Para este produto, os custos de envio são gratuitos para compras acima de € 200,00
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Produto: Rapide CLX II


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Rapide CLX II

Since 2020 Rapide CLX wheels have won more races on the World Tour than any other wheels and we just made them faster. Meet the new Rapide CLX II. Combining the aerodynamics of a deep-section TT wheel with the light weight of a shallower climbing wheel and mixing in the superior efficiency and sublime handling of a tubeless system—the Rapide CLX II delivers maximum speed for real-world riding.

We developed distinctly different shapes for the Rapide CLX II front and rear rims. The result is a wheelset that catches less drag than most 65mm wheelsets and brings a dramatic 25% improvement in stability over 50mm rims in wind gusts.

The Rapide CLX II utilizes a hooked rim (allowing for real-world riding pressures up to 110psi if that’s your thing) for secure tire bead retention and an easier set up and mounting experience than ever before. All in a wheel that almost doubles current industry impact standards while managing to achieve the lightest weight possible.

Our AeroFlange hubs are aerodynamically optimized with wide bracing angles for increased strength and reduced spoke weight. They also benefit from the reduced weight and increased strength of ceramic SINC bearings and the legendary durability of DT Swiss’ EXP freehub internals.

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