All the products in the catalog (unless not differently mentioned) are ready for delivery. When you place an order, you will be contacted by one of our staff (by email or by phone) before preparing the shipment (which generally takes place the day after the order), to inform you about the progress and delivery times.
Delivery time
Depending on the destination and the shipment size, delivery times are variable for international shipment.However, the delivery service is not carried out on holidays and on Saturdays and Sundays.
Collection at the headquarters or courier
Notes on delivery
The courier is in no way authorized to make deliveries to the floors. Furthermore, it is not possible to view the goods before collection (see always making use of the right of withdrawal within 14 days of collection: see" Right of withdrawal "). In the event that the package arrives with obvious injuries you are subject to sign with reserve.
All shipping costs are calculated based on the total weight of the goods