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Alpinist CL II

Alpinist CL II

Select Category ACCESSORI Select Subcategory Räder Roval

SKU: 30022-5302

Jahr: 2023


Farben und Größen:

Preis: € 950,00
Verfügbarkeit: auf Bestellung

(*) Das Produkt ist nicht sofort verfügbar, daher dauert die Lieferung einige Tage länger als erwartet.
Für dieses Produkt sind die Versandkosten für Einkäufe über € 200,00 kostenlos
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Produkt: Alpinist CL II


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Alpinist CL II

Feel your bike come alive on the open road with the new Alpinist CL II featuring the lightest best-handling clincher rims we have ever made elevated with the performance of a tubeless system. The brand new Alpinist CL II now brings mountain-taming performance slightly closer to Earth with a carefully selected build designed to let riders take full advantage of the low rim and spoke mass.

The Alpinist CL II utilizes the same rim as the Alpinist CLX II. They react to even the slightest increase in power with immediate acceleration and carve the purest lines in the corners yet they can also handle almost double the impact standards of every certifying body. The result is a 1375-gram tubeless wheelset with an otherworldly ride quality designed for real-world road pressures.

The Alpinist CL II utilizes components curated to keep you rolling and rolling fast. The DT Swiss 350 hubs featuring their Star Ratchet drive system are reliable and easy to service while 24 DT Swiss CompRace Straightpull spokes front and rear laced to the rims with their alloy Pro Lock nipples are synonymous with reliability and can be obtained at any bike shop.

The reduced rolling resistance of a tubeless setup is undeniable as are the benefits of improved handling and incredible puncture protection. It took the most extensive and demanding engineering and testing program we’ve ever undertaken. As a result of this extensive development the Alpinist CL II features a hooked rim that can handle a huge range of pressures up to 110psi and offers an easier set up and mounting experience than ever.

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